How do I select an option in the selected.js dropdown menu using the tab key?


I've tried many different things, but I can't figure out how to get the tab key to select the selected option after typing in a search. The enter key works really well.

I would show that I've tried, but I honestly don't know where to start.

Here's some sample code:

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

<select id="chosen_example" style="width: 200px;" multiple="multiple">
    <option value="1">A English Test A</option>
    <option value="1">B German Test B</option>
    <option value="1">C Greek Test C</option>
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var chosen_control = $('#chosen_example');
        chosen_control.chosen().keydown(function (e, obj) {
            //it not getting in here
            console.log('key pressed');
            if (e.which == 9) {
                console.log('tab key pressed');
                //not sure what to do at this point



I've tried it .chosen().bind(...)

. I have tried $('#chosen_example').bind(...)

and a few more things

Here is the JS Fiddle that comes with it.

If you need more information please comment on any help or guidance.

Edit - Solution

Based on the answers I received, one of the Wondercricket led me in the right direction.

After modifying the main js file choosen.jquery.js

, I added in the case 9


if (this.results_showing) {
this.mouse_on_container = false;


I added it as Chosen.prototype.keydown_checker

well as toAbstractChosen.prototype.keyup_checker


source to share

3 answers

This is a pretty interesting thing, as it only works for selecting one choice, but it doesn't work for selecting multiple favorites.

I was able to get the options tab-selectable with multi-select, but it required very little change to the chosen.js


After diving into a file chosen.js

on my local machine, I saw that there was already written functionality to handle the functions keydown

, depending on the following:

Chosen.prototype.keydown_checker = function (evt) {
        var stroke, _ref1;
        stroke = (_ref1 = evt.which) != null ? _ref1 : evt.keyCode;
        if (stroke !== 8 && this.pending_backstroke) {
        switch (stroke) {
            case 8:
                this.backstroke_length = this.search_field.val().length;
            case 9:
                if (this.results_showing && !this.is_multiple) {
                this.mouse_on_container = false;
            case 13:
                if (this.results_showing) {
            case 32:
                if (this.disable_search) {
            case 38:
            case 40:


Being tab key 9, there is already functionality to handle it; however, it contains logic that prevents you from doing what you want.

If you want to tab-select an option when using multiple selection, remove the condition !this.is_multiple

in the statement if


case 9:
    if (this.results_showing) {
     this.mouse_on_container = false;




Answer and demo

There is no easy way to do this, but I made it work , I updated the JSFiddle to demonstrate the effect.


<select id="chosen_example" style="width: 200px;" multiple="multiple">
    <option value="1">A English Test A</option>
    <option value="1">B German Test B</option>
    <option value="1">C Greek Test C</option>


Same as your initial markup :)


var selector = "#chosen_example";
var chosen_control = $(selector);
var chosen_element = $(selector + "_chosen");
var chosen_input = chosen_element.find("input");
chosen_input.keydown(function (e) {
    if (e.which == 9) {
        var chosen_option = chosen_element.find("div > ul > li");
        var chosen_index = chosen_option.attr( "data-option-array-index" );
        var index = parseInt( chosen_index ) + 1;
        var chosen_control_option = chosen_control.find("option:nth-child(" + index + ")");
        chosen_control_option.prop( "selected" , true );


This is where the magic happens.



  • selector : your controller selector (preferably an id, not tested with anything else)
  • selected_control : JQuery object

    containing your selection.
  • selected_element : JQuery object

    containing the plugin container div

  • selected_input : JQuery object

    containing the plugin input

    . (Where do you actually type)
  • selected_option : JQuery object

    containing the current option displayed in the plugin container div

  • selected_index : string

    containing the index of the specified option according to data-option-array-index

    . Be aware that this index starts at zero and the index of the index starts at 1.
  • index : the index of the options, equivalent to the selected index + 1.
  • selected_control_option . The actual option in the select element at the specified index.

Development of

So this is how I did it, as I said, it is not easy / beautiful, but it works:

  • First we receive your select


  • Then we execute the plugin and get the container div


  • Then we get chosen_input

    and bind the keydown to it event

  • event

    will detect if a tab was clicked and it will do some dirty calculations to select the option the tab should display and it will select it.
  • We run a trigger command on the selected item to update ourselves.


I just realized that the code does not work if there is more than one option that starts with the same letter, it will just pick the first one, I will fix it, but not now, these are new years here




Based on existing answers, I put this together to avoid changing the selected Source Code:

// Initialise Chosen
$select.chosen(/* ... */);

// Handle Tab correctly in a multi-select input
$'.chosen-search-input').keydown(function (event) {
    if (event.key === 'Tab') {
        let $input = $(this);

        // If the search results list is open
        if ($input.closest('.chosen-container').hasClass('chosen-with-drop')) {
            // Cancel Tab

            // Send Enter instead
            let replacementEvent = $.Event('keyup');
            replacementEvent.which = 13;


However, I didn't use it because the dropdown menu opens as soon as the field is focused, so the user might accidentally select something while moving the form with the keyboard.



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