Correct approach to create a text carousel using UIPageControl

I am trying to reproduce a simple text carousel with a UIPageControl similar to the following login screen:

spotify login screen

I've created the following layout (view -> label , text):


UI builderview hierarchy

EDIT: I found some tutorials like: which uses UIPageViewController

however the result of "masking" my entire view disabled my existing interface.

Problems that arose :

  • I want multiple paragraphs to be similar to the layout I created, should I create them without constraints? - not just create one view as a "template"
  • How can I split a string in a textbox using the interface constructor? -developed by: ALT + Enter
  • What is the correct way to animate the inbound and outbound layouts? - use UIPageViewController, don't animate views
  • Or maybe there is a library that will make my life a lot easier , maybe I found the solution straightforward (at the end)

Q: How would you implement such a function? any good tutorial?


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2 answers

After struggling with this feature I am using the project , enjoy



I used @Shlomi Schwartz's project and found an error when I used more than 3 UIPageViewController

(try with 4 UIPageViewController

, for example using @Shlomi Schwartz's project). The problem came from a missing and unimplemented extra UIPageViewControllerDelegate method that was driving the UIPageControl insane.

Please find a specific method that fixes the error below:

    Optional UIPageViewControllerDelegate method

    Sent when a gesture-initiated transition ends. The 'finished' parameter indicates whether
    the animation finished, while the 'completed' parameter indicates whether the transition completed or bailed out (if the user let go early).
func pageViewController(pageViewController: UIPageViewController,
    didFinishAnimating finished: Bool,
    previousViewControllers: [AnyObject],
    transitionCompleted completed: Bool)
    // Turn is either finished or aborted
    if (completed && finished) {
        let currentDisplayedViewController = self.pageViewController!.viewControllers[0] as! ContentViewController
        self.pageControl.currentPage = currentDisplayedViewController.index


If you would like a complete working draft, please find the Github link below:

( project Github link )

Note: Thanks again @Shlomi Schwartz for sharing the original snippet with the community (very helpful). I also remember to mention him as the main author in the source code.



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