Simple pandas dataframe pivot table

I am trying to do a seemingly very simple task. Given the data frame:

daf = pd.DataFrame ({'co': ['g', 'r', 'b', 'r', 'g', 'r', 'b', 'g'], 'sh': [ 'c ",' s', 'R', 'R', 'R', 's',' c ',' r ']})

    co  sh
0   g   c 
1   r   s 
2   b   r 
3   r   r 
4   g   r 
5   r   s
6   b   c
7   g   r 


I would like to count the number of records with a unique combination of "co" and "sh" values ​​and output them as a table with rows ['g', 'r', 'b'] and columns [c ", 's', 'r' ]

    c   s   r
g   1   0   2
r   0   1   1
b   1   0   1


Can this be done with pivot_table?



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1 answer

This can be made easier with pandas.crosstab


>>> pandas.crosstab(,
sh  c  r  s
b   1  1  0
g   1  2  0
r   0  1  2


You can do it with pivot_table

, but it will give you NaN instead of 0 for missing combos. You need to specify len

as an aggregation function:

>>> d.pivot_table(index='co', columns='sh', aggfunc=len)
sh   c  r   s
b    1  1 NaN
g    1  2 NaN
r  NaN  1   2




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