Sql combining 2 queries with different order by group

I have a query where I am calculating the most frequent response in the database and evaluating them by the maximum amount, so I am using the group by and order by.

Below is how to do it for one:

select health, count(health) as count 
from [Health].[Questionaire] 
group by Health 
order by count(Health) desc


which outputs the following:

Health       Count
-----------  -----
Very Good    6
Good         5
Poor         4


I would like to do with a different column in the same table a different query similar to the following, so that two queries using the same sql statement, for example:

Health       Count    Diet       Count
-----------  -----   -----       -----
Very Good    6        Very Good   6
Good         5        Good        4
Poor         4        Poor        3



Hi, this is what the table looks like at the moment

ID           Diet              Health      
-----------  -----             -------       
101          Very Good         Very Good   
102          Poor              Good        
103          Poor              Poor        


I would like to do with a different column in the same table a different query similar to the following, so that two queries using the same sql statement, for example:

Health       Count    Diet       Count
-----------  -----   -----       -----
Very Good    2        Very Good   1
Poor         1        Good        1
Good         0        Poor        1


Can anyone help me with this? If necessary, he can provide additional clarifications!


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2 answers

Here are two different ways to do it, note that I removed the redundant column:

Test data:

DECLARE @t table(Health varchar(20), Diet varchar(20))
INSERT @t values
('Very good', 'Very good'),
('Poor', 'Good'),
('Poor', 'Poor')


Request 1:

  SELECT Health, count(*) CountHealth
  FROM @t --[Health].[Questionaire] 
  GROUP BY health
), CTE2 as
  SELECT Diet, count(*) CountDiet
  FROM @t --[Health].[Questionaire] 
  coalesce(Health, Diet) Grade, 
  coalesce(CountHealth, 0) CountHealth, 
  coalesce(CountDiet, 0) CountDiet
ON CTE1.Health = CTE2.Diet


Result 1:

Grade     CountHealth  CountDiet
Poor      2            1
Very good 1            1
Good      0            1


Mixing up the results is like it's really not a good practice, so here's another solution

Request 2:

SELECT Health, count(*) Count, 'Health' Grade
FROM @t --[Health].[Questionaire] 
GROUP BY health
SELECT Diet, count(*) CountDiet, 'Diet'
FROM @t --[Health].[Questionaire] 
ORDER BY Grade, Count DESC


Result 2:

Health     Count Grade
Good       1     Diet
Poor       1     Diet
Very good  1     Diet
Poor       2     Health
Very good  1     Health




You need to join the table to yourself, but (as your data samples show) to close the gaps in the actual data for certain values.

If you have a table of health / diet values:

  v.value Status,
  count(a.id) healthCount,
  count(b.id) DietCount
from health_diet_values v
left join Questionaire a on a.health = v.value
left join Questionaire b on b.diet = v.value
group by v.value


or if you don't have a table like this, you need to generate the list of values โ€‹โ€‹manually and join this:

  v.value Status,
  count(a.id) healthCount,
  count(b.id) DietCount
from (select 'Very Good' value union all
      select 'Good' union all
      select 'Poor') v
left join Questionaire a on a.health = v.value
left join Questionaire b on b.diet = v.value
group by v.value


Both of these queries generate zeros if no matching data is found for the value.

Note that there is a redundant column in your desired output - you are repeating a column of values. The above queries produce output that looks like this:

Status    HealthCount DietCount
Very Good           2         1
Good                1         1
Poor                0         1




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