How to get and set the metadata value for a block item in Minecraft?
I am writing a Minecraft module using Minecraft Forge.
I can get a Block object from the world using
Block b = world.getBlock(x,y,z);
however, now that I have a block, how do I find out the metadata? If the block is a StoneSteps block, then I want to know its orientation, which is stored in the metadata.
Similarly, how do I set this value? I can create a new block quite simply:
Block b = Blocks.stone_stairs;
but again, how do I now set this block to a specific orientation? I know you can do this when creating the ItemStack, but in this case, I need a Block object that can be passed to world.setBlock()
I can't seem to find to get and set this value.
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You can rotate the block with:
yourBlock.rotateBlock(World someWorld, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection axis);
From the docs:
Rotate the block. For vanilla blocks, this rotates around the traversed axis (usually this should be the "face" that was hit). Note: for mod blocks, it depends on the block selection and modder. It cannot be argued that this is a rotation around a face, but there may be a rotation to orientate to that face or visit possible turns. The method should return true if the rotation was successful, though.
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