Bootstrap Timepicker not hidden?

I am using bootstrap timepicker, but it doesn't hide when I use the tab. It only hides when pressed. On focus using the timepicker tab, but on the lost focus tab the timepicker does not close.

Below is my code

        defaulttime: false

    }).on('changeTime.timepicker', function (e) {
        disableFocus: true;
        alert('The time is ' + e.time.value);



How to hide timepicker value in change event.


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2 answers

Solution that worked for me.

$('#frmtime').on('keydown', function(e) {
    if(e.keyCode == 9) {




Yes, I have this problem too. after many tries I fixed it with code like this:

$('.tp-start, .tp-end')
.on('focus', function() {
          defaultTime: false,
          minuteStep: 1,
          showMeridian: false
// EDIT:
.on('blur', function(e) {
    if ($('tp-start') || $('tp-end')) {
        // do nothing or other thing you wanna do.
    } else {

//.tp-start, .tp-end are inputs of time-start & time-end


It's more concise!



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