Symfony checks if another field is a specific value

I am trying to write a confirmation for field (1), which is required if another field (3) is option "a" and another field (2) if 3 is "b". How should I do it?

EDIT: This is for Entity. I'll post a sample of what I'm trying.

*fields = { aName = @Assert\NotBlank(),
*           aAmount = @Assert\NotBlank() }
protected $1;

*fields = { bName = @Assert\NotBlank(),
*           bAmount = @Assert\NotBlank() }
protected $2;

protected $3;


I need $ 1 if $ 3 == 'a' and $ 2 if $ 3 == 'b' is required.


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2 answers

You can use check constraint: Expression


* @Assert\Expression(
 *     "not (this.getThird() == 'a' and this.getFirst() == null)",
 *     message="If third = 'a', first should be not null"
 * )
protected $first;

 * @Assert\Expression(
 *     "not (this.getThird() == 'b' and this.getSecond() == null)",
 *     message="If third = 'b', second should be not null"
 * )
protected $second;

protected $third;

public function getFirst()
     return $this->first;   

public function getSecond()
     return $this->second;   

public function getThird()
     return $this->third;   




You can try with callback constraint:



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