Idris proved by definition

I can write a function

powApply : Nat -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
powApply Z f = id
powApply (S k) f = f . powApply k f


and it's trivial to prove:

powApplyZero : (f : _) -> (x : _) -> powApp Z f x = x
powApplyZero f x = Refl


So far so good. I am now trying to generalize this function to work with negative metrics. Of course, the opposite should be true:

import Data.ZZ

-- Two functions, f and g, with a proof that g is an inverse of f
data Invertible : Type -> Type -> Type where
  MkInvertible : (f : a -> b) -> (g : b -> a) ->
                 ((x : _) -> g (f x) = x) -> Invertible a b

powApplyI : ZZ -> Invertible a a -> a -> a
powApplyI (Pos Z) (MkInvertible f g x) = id
powApplyI (Pos (S k)) (MkInvertible f g x) =
  f . powApplyI (Pos k) (MkInvertible f g x)
powApplyI (NegS Z) (MkInvertible f g x) = g
powApplyI (NegS (S k)) (MkInvertible f g x) =
  g . powApplyI (NegS k) (MkInvertible f g x)


Then I'll try to prove a similar statement:

powApplyIZero : (i : _) -> (x : _) -> powApplyI (Pos Z) i x = x
powApplyIZero i x = ?powApplyIZero_rhs


However, Idris refuses to evaluate the application powApplyI

, leaving the type ?powApplyIZero_rhs

as powApplyI (Pos 0) i x = x

(yes, Z

changed to 0

). I've tried writing powApplyI

in a dotless style and defining my own ZZ

with a modifier %elim

(which I don't understand), but none of them worked. Why isn't the proof checked by checking the first case powApplyI


Idris Version:

Here are some things:

powApplyNI : Nat -> Invertible a a -> a -> a
powApplyNI Z (MkInvertible f g x) = id
powApplyNI (S k) (MkInvertible f g x) = f . powApplyNI k (MkInvertible f g x)

powApplyNIZero : (i : _) -> (x : _) -> powApplyNI 0 i x = x
powApplyNIZero (MkInvertible f g y) x = Refl

powApplyZF : ZZ -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
powApplyZF (Pos Z) f = id
powApplyZF (Pos (S k)) f = f . powApplyZF (Pos k) f
powApplyZF (NegS Z) f = f
powApplyZF (NegS (S k)) f = f . powApplyZF (NegS k) f

powApplyZFZero : (f : _) -> (x : _) -> powApplyZF 0 f x = x
powApplyZFZero f x = ?powApplyZFZero_rhs


The first proof went well, but ?powApplyZFZero_rhs

stubbornly keeps the class powApplyZF (Pos 0) f x = x

. Clearly there is some problem with ZZ

(or my use of).


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2 answers

Problem: It powApplyI

wasn't complete enough, according to Idris. The outcome of the Idris integrity check relies on the ability to reduce parameters to structurally smaller shapes and with raw ZZ

s, this will not work.

The answer is to delegate the recursion to the plain old one powApply

(which is proven by all):

powApplyI : ZZ -> a <~ a -> a -> a
powApplyI (Pos k) (MkInvertible f g x) = powApply k f
powApplyI (NegS k) (MkInvertible f g x) = powApply (S k) g


Then, if split into the i

case, the powApplyIZero

proof is trivial.

Thanks to Melvar from #idris IRC channel.



powApplyI (Pos Z) i x

does not diminish further, because it is i

not in a weak normal head shape.

I don't have Idris compiler, so I rewrote your code in Agda. This is pretty similar:

open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Integer

data Invertible : Set -> Set -> Set where
  MkInvertible : {a b : Set} (f : a -> b) -> (g : b -> a) ->
                 (∀ x -> g (f x) ≡ x) -> Invertible a b

powApplyI : {a : Set} -> ℤ -> Invertible a a -> a -> a
powApplyI  ( + 0     ) (MkInvertible f g x) = id
powApplyI  ( + suc k ) (MkInvertible f g x) = f ∘ powApplyI  ( + k ) (MkInvertible f g x)
powApplyI -[1+ 0     ] (MkInvertible f g x) = g
powApplyI -[1+ suc k ] (MkInvertible f g x) = g ∘ powApplyI -[1+ k ] (MkInvertible f g x)


Now you can define your powApplyIZero


powApplyIZero : {a : Set} (i : Invertible a a) -> ∀ x -> powApplyI (+ 0) i x ≡ x
powApplyIZero (MkInvertible _ _ _) _ = refl


Pattern matching does not i

cause unification, but powApplyI (+ 0) i x

is replaced by powApplyI (+ 0) i (MkInvertible _ _ _)

, so it powApplyI

can continue.

Or you can write this explicitly:

powApplyIZero : {a : Set} (f : a -> a) (g : a -> a) (p : ∀ x -> g (f x) ≡ x)
              -> ∀ x -> powApplyI (+ 0) (MkInvertible f g p) x ≡ x
powApplyIZero _ _ _ _ = refl




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