Extract multiline javascript content from <script> tag using Scrapy

I am trying to extract data from this script tag using Scrapy:

        var hardwareTemplateFunctions;
        var storefrontContextUrl = '';

        jq(function() {
            var data = new Object();
            data.hardwareProductCode = '9054832';
            data.offeringCode = 'SMART_BASIC.TLF12PLEAS';
            data.defaultTab = '';
            data.categoryId = 10001;

            data.bundles = new Object();
                            data.bundles['SMART_SUPERX.TLF12PLEAS'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('199'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('1099'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('499'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('12'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Super',
                    offeringType: 'VOICE',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('499'),
                    commitmentTime: 12
                            data.bundles['SMART_PLUSS.TLF12PLEAS'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('199'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('1599'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('399'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('12'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Pluss',
                    offeringType: 'VOICE',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('399'),
                    commitmentTime: 12
                            data.bundles['SMART_BASIC.TLF12PLEAS'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('199'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('2199'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('299'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('12'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Basis',
                    offeringType: 'VOICE',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('299'),
                    commitmentTime: 12
                            data.bundles['SMART_MINI.TLF12PLEAS'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('199'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('2999'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('199'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('12'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Mini',
                    offeringType: 'VOICE',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('199'),
                    commitmentTime: 12
                            data.bundles['KONTANT_KOMPLETT.REGULAR'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('3499'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('0'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('0'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Kontant',
                    offeringType: 'PREPAID',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('0'),
                    commitmentTime: 0

            data.reviewJson = new Object();

            hardwareTemplateFunctions = hardwareTemplateFunctions(data);

            data.reviewSummaryBox = hardwareTemplateFunctions.reviewSummaryBox;


        function parsePrice(str) {
            var price = parseFloat(str);
            return isNaN(price) ? 0 : price;

        var offerings = {};


I want to get data from each section that looks like this:

 data.bundles['SMART_SUPERX.TLF12PLEAS'] = {
                signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('199'),
                upfrontPrice: parsePrice('1099'),
                monthlyPrice: parsePrice('499'),
                commitmentTime: parsePrice('12'),
                offeringTitle: 'SMART Super',
                offeringType: 'VOICE',
                monthlyPrice: parsePrice('499'),
                commitmentTime: 12


and then fetch the data from each field and get the final data like upfrontPrice

(like 1099 in this example).

I tried to extract each object using this:

items = response.xpath('//script/text()').re("data.bundles\[.*\](.*)")


However, this will only give me the first row of data. ( = {

). So how do I go about doing this? Is there a better way to extract this data from a script tag?

Edit: When I use items = response.xpath('//script/text()').re("data.bundles\[.*\] = {((?s).*) };")

I seem to only get the last block (the one with data.bundles['KONTANT_KOMPLETT.REGULAR']


How do I get a list of all of them?


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3 answers

The following regex seems to be correct:

r"data\.bundles\[[^\]]*\] = {([^}]*)}"



in regex greedy - it will always try to match as much as possible, so I use [^\]]

to make sure I match the closest ]

. I am doing the same with {}

parentheses. Also, I don't have to worry about .

not matching a newline.



If you don't want to play with regular expressions, js2xml , which parses the Javascript of your code and converts it to an lxml document. Then you can use XPath to query things from Javascript statements. (disclaimer: I wrote and maintain js2xml)

Here's some sample code on how to get these data.bundles


import scrapy

selector = scrapy.Selector(text="""<script>
        var hardwareTemplateFunctions;
        var storefrontContextUrl = '';

        jq(function() {
            var data = new Object();
            data.hardwareProductCode = '9054832';
            data.offeringCode = 'SMART_BASIC.TLF12PLEAS';
            data.defaultTab = '';
            data.categoryId = 10001;

            data.bundles = new Object();
                            data.bundles['SMART_SUPERX.TLF12PLEAS'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('199'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('1099'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('499'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('12'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Super',
                    offeringType: 'VOICE',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('499'),
                    commitmentTime: 12
                            data.bundles['SMART_PLUSS.TLF12PLEAS'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('199'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('1599'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('399'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('12'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Pluss',
                    offeringType: 'VOICE',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('399'),
                    commitmentTime: 12
                            data.bundles['SMART_BASIC.TLF12PLEAS'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('199'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('2199'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('299'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('12'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Basis',
                    offeringType: 'VOICE',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('299'),
                    commitmentTime: 12
                            data.bundles['SMART_MINI.TLF12PLEAS'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('199'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('2999'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('199'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('12'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Mini',
                    offeringType: 'VOICE',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('199'),
                    commitmentTime: 12
                            data.bundles['KONTANT_KOMPLETT.REGULAR'] = {
                    signupFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    newMsisdnFee: parsePrice('0'),
                    upfrontPrice: parsePrice('3499'),
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('0'),
                    commitmentTime: parsePrice('0'),
                    offeringTitle: 'SMART Kontant',
                    offeringType: 'PREPAID',
                    monthlyPrice: parsePrice('0'),
                    commitmentTime: 0

            data.reviewJson = new Object();

            hardwareTemplateFunctions = hardwareTemplateFunctions(data);

            data.reviewSummaryBox = hardwareTemplateFunctions.reviewSummaryBox;


        function parsePrice(str) {
            var price = parseFloat(str);
            return isNaN(price) ? 0 : price;

        var offerings = {};


(this first part is to get the HTML input in the Scrapy selector)

import js2xml
import pprint

data_bundles = {}
for script in selector.xpath('//script/text()').extract():
    # this is how you turn Javascript code into an XML document (lxml document in fact)
    jstree = js2xml.parse(script)

    # then, we're interested in assignments of data.bundles object
    for a in jstree.xpath('//assign[left//property/identifier/@name="bundles" and right/object]'):
        # the assigned property is give by a <string> property from a <bracketaccessor>
        bundle_prop = a.xpath('./left/bracketaccessor/property/string/text()')
        if bundle_prop is not None:
            curr_prop = bundle_prop[0]

        data_bundles[curr_prop] = {}

        # the left object is assigned an object (inside a <right> element)
        # let loop on the <property> elements)
        # the values are either numbers or string arguments of a function call
        for prop in a.xpath('./right/object/property'):
            data_bundles[curr_prop][prop.xpath('@name')[0]] = prop.xpath('.//number/@value | .//string/text()')[0]



Here's what you get from this:

{'KONTANT_KOMPLETT.REGULAR': {'commitmentTime': '0',
                              'monthlyPrice': '0',
                              'newMsisdnFee': '0',
                              'offeringTitle': 'SMART Kontant',
                              'offeringType': 'PREPAID',
                              'signupFee': '0',
                              'upfrontPrice': '3499'},
 'SMART_BASIC.TLF12PLEAS': {'commitmentTime': '12',
                            'monthlyPrice': '299',
                            'newMsisdnFee': '199',
                            'offeringTitle': 'SMART Basis',
                            'offeringType': 'VOICE',
                            'signupFee': '0',
                            'upfrontPrice': '2199'},
 'SMART_MINI.TLF12PLEAS': {'commitmentTime': '12',
                           'monthlyPrice': '199',
                           'newMsisdnFee': '199',
                           'offeringTitle': 'SMART Mini',
                           'offeringType': 'VOICE',
                           'signupFee': '0',
                           'upfrontPrice': '2999'},
 'SMART_PLUSS.TLF12PLEAS': {'commitmentTime': '12',
                            'monthlyPrice': '399',
                            'newMsisdnFee': '199',
                            'offeringTitle': 'SMART Pluss',
                            'offeringType': 'VOICE',
                            'signupFee': '0',
                            'upfrontPrice': '1599'},
 'SMART_SUPERX.TLF12PLEAS': {'commitmentTime': '12',
                             'monthlyPrice': '499',
                             'newMsisdnFee': '199',
                             'offeringTitle': 'SMART Super',
                             'offeringType': 'VOICE',
                             'signupFee': '0',
                             'upfrontPrice': '1099'}}


For more information on the XML schema you get with js2xml.parse()

you can check out https://github.com/redapple/js2xml/blob/master/SCHEMA.rst



This script requires Mozilla Firefox and python-selenium , also I made tests using a file called script.txt which contains a script surrounded by a tag. Here's the code:

from selenium import webdriver

script_content = open("script.txt").read()

#Removing script tags
exec_script = script_content.replace("<script>", "").replace("</script>", "")

#Removing jq function call
exec_script = exec_script.replace("jq(function() {", "").replace("});", "")

#Setting some helper functions to avoid javascript errors
helper_functions = """function hardwareTemplateFunctions(){
                     return {init: function(){}};};  
                     accessoryFunctions = additionalServiceFunctions = 

#Returning data variable
return_statement = "return data;"

wd = webdriver.Firefox()

#Getting data variable in result
result = wd.execute_script(helper_functions + exec_script +  return_statement)


The resulting variable looks like this:

{u'bundles': {u'KONTANT_KOMPLETT.REGULAR': {u'commitmentTime': 0,
   u'monthlyPrice': 0,
   u'newMsisdnFee': 0,
   u'offeringTitle': u'SMART Kontant',
   u'offeringType': u'PREPAID',
   u'signupFee': 0,
   u'upfrontPrice': 3499},
  u'SMART_BASIC.TLF12PLEAS': {u'commitmentTime': 12,
   u'monthlyPrice': 299,
   u'newMsisdnFee': 199,
   u'offeringTitle': u'SMART Basis',
   u'offeringType': u'VOICE',
   u'signupFee': 0,
   u'upfrontPrice': 2199},
  u'SMART_MINI.TLF12PLEAS': {u'commitmentTime': 12,
   u'monthlyPrice': 199,
   u'newMsisdnFee': 199,
   u'offeringTitle': u'SMART Mini',
   u'offeringType': u'VOICE',
   u'signupFee': 0,
   u'upfrontPrice': 2999},
  u'SMART_PLUSS.TLF12PLEAS': {u'commitmentTime': 12,
   u'monthlyPrice': 399,
   u'newMsisdnFee': 199,
   u'offeringTitle': u'SMART Pluss',
   u'offeringType': u'VOICE',
   u'signupFee': 0,
   u'upfrontPrice': 1599},
  u'SMART_SUPERX.TLF12PLEAS': {u'commitmentTime': 12,
   u'monthlyPrice': 499,
   u'newMsisdnFee': 199,
   u'offeringTitle': u'SMART Super',
   u'offeringType': u'VOICE',
   u'signupFee': 0,
   u'upfrontPrice': 1099}},
 u'categoryId': 10001,
 u'defaultTab': u'',
 u'hardwareProductCode': u'9054832',
 u'offeringCode': u'SMART_BASIC.TLF12PLEAS',
 u'reviewJson': {},
 u'reviewSummaryBox': None}




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