Is it possible to center and scale embedded PDF content

I have a lot of problems working with a PDF file inside a webpage ...

Is it possible to programmatically control (center, zoom, etc.) embedded PDF content within a web page. I prefer PHP, JS or Python, but any other solution would be welcome.



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1 answer

How do you embed the PDF in your webpage - is it inside an iframe, or are you using a library like PDFObject ?

If you are using a specific tool or library (or using this parameter), it must specify some parameters. For example, PDFObject allows the following parameters:

Options include zoom level, go to page number, highlight search terms, and select toolbars.

If you are just displaying PDF content inside an iframe, perhaps you can try CSS variations like style="zoom:100%"

and align="center"


If you need more help, could you please clarify what your current solution is and provide a JSFiddle? Here's a more general question - Recommended way to embed PDF in HTML? ...



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