MySQLi prepared statements in PHP

Sorry if I'm not familiar with this.

        if(!isset($stmt_counttime)) { $stmt_counttime = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT count(1) as count FROM `stop_times` where `stop_id` = ? and `trip_id` = ? LIMIT 1");
    $stmt_counttime->bind_param('ss',$stop_id,$trip_id); }
    $stop_id = $data[3];
    $trip_id = $data[0];

    if(!isset($stmt_counttrip)) { $stmt_counttrip = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT count(1) as count FROM `trips` where `trip_id` = ?");

    $tripid = $data[0];


Line 67: $ stmt_counttrip-> bind_param ('s', $ tripid);

Error: fatal error: call to member function bind_param () for non-object in / home / fallouta / public_html / ocbus / google_transit / stop_times.php on line 67

If anyone can let me know what I am doing wrong? Please let me know.

Note. I need the trip_id value as a non integer string.

Thanks Cyrus


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2 answers

I realized my mistake. The following statement should be included:

$ stmt-> store_result ();

Because you cannot have two requests at the same time. Feel free to add additional information.



set the parameters first, then bind them:

$stop_id = $data[3];
$trip_id = $data[0];



$tripid = $data[0];


at least this is what recommends



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