Android JSON parsing on collision with GSON: LinkedTreeMap cannot be cast to object

I am trying to store a list of objects in SharedPreferences, so I am using Gson to convert a list of objects to JSON and back. However, when I save, then retrieve the list of objects, and the ListView adapter is applied to the new list, I get the following error:

java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to appuccino.simplyscan.Objects.Folder
            at appuccino.simplyscan.Extra.DocumentAdapter.getView(


where the error points to this line in the list:

Folder folder = folderList.get(position);


When storing a list of objects, I use the following:

//folderList is a List<Folder> folderList = new ArrayList<>();
folderList.add(0, newFolder);
Gson gson = new Gson();
String newFoldersJson = gson.toJson(folderList);
PrefManager.putString(PrefManager.FOLDER_JSON, newFoldersJson);


where the last line just stores the line in SharedPreferences. When you fetch the list from SharedPreferences I use the following:

 public static List<Folder> loadFolders(MainActivity main){
        //JSON containing a list of folder objects
        String foldersJSON = PrefManager.getString(PrefManager.FOLDER_JSON, "");
            Gson gson = new Gson();
            List<Folder> folderList = gson.fromJson(foldersJSON, List.class);
            return folderList;

        return new ArrayList<>();


If that helps, here's how my Folder class is defined:

public class Folder {
    private String name;
    private List<String> docNameList;
    private transient List<Document> docList;

    public Folder(String n) {
        name = n;
        docList = new ArrayList<>();
        docNameList = new ArrayList<>();




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1 answer

Not an answer to your question, but a suggestion. I have also been trying to work with json in Android recently and have researched a lot which one to use jackson or gson. It looks like there are two benefits to Jackson:

  • Jackson's performance is better than gson.
  • If you use the same on the server side you get consistency.

Ref: [Be-lazy-productive-android] [1]



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