Bottom left coordinates of SKScene

I am new to Swift SpriteKit programming and the coordinate system is driving me crazy. I am creating a sprite and I want to move it to the four corners of the screen. So I set the position to (0,0). It's in the lower left corner of the screen. After some manual testing, I developed the diagram below. Bottom-left and top-right are what the iOS simulator says when I touch the screen.

I have 2 questions:

1: Is there a way to determine the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the view? Perhaps I could build a dictionary with coordinates and determine the type of car and then set the offsets. But that is a lot of work and may not be accurate for newer devices. It seems like there should be a scene or frame property that I can use to position the object in the lower left corner of the window.

2: Math doesn't work. On iPhone5, 300 (bottom left x) + 320 (width) = 620, not the reported 727. A similar problem is true with y coordinates. How it works?

I have set as many parameters as possible. I have not changed the anchor point or scene position.

Device Size LL UR
iPhone4s (320,480) (260.0) (766,764)
iPhone5 (320,568) (300.0) (727,764)
iPhone5s (320,568) (298.0) (727,764)
iPhone6 ​​(375,667) (297.1) (728,765)
iPhone6plus (414,736) (298.0) (728,766)
iPad2 (768.1024) (226.0) (800.768)
iPad Air (768.1024) (224.0) (800.767)
iPad Retina (768,1024) (225.0) (800,768)

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2 answers

Ok I think I figured it out. Setting the scene! .ScaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.ResizeFill allows me to identify the four corners of the screen. So now I can tell when the sprite is crossing the edge of the screen. It doesn't seem to distort my images. I haven't been able to test it on a reader yet, but it leaves a blank area around iPad2.



Applause for the hard work! haha If I was going to get the values ​​for the bottom coordinates, I would use CGRectGetMinX

to get the x coordinate and CGRectGetMinY

to get the y coordinate in a similar way:

CGPoint minimum = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMinX(self.frame),CGRectGetMinY(self.frame));

Then, if you want to get the top coordinates, use the same things, but say MaxX or MaxY. Yes, the coordinates are a little confusing, but if you use them then it will be a breeze.

EDIT: If you need to find that the body is out of visible space, so far what worked for me is creating a physical body to detect contact with it at the edge.

[SKPhysicsBody bodyWithEdgeLoopFromRect:self.frame]

maybe another option you can try is to see the boundaries of the UIScreen object.



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