matrix multiplication: (n-by-m) * (m-by-k) and (m-by-k) * (k-by-n) have very different speeds
I have the following Python code:
import numpy
import time
A = numpy.random.random((10,60000))
B = numpy.random.random((60000,785))
C = numpy.random.random((785,10))
t = time.time()
D =
print "%.2f s" % (time.time() - t)
t = time.time()
E =
print "%.2f s" % (time.time() - t)
I think the two matrix multiplications A * B and B * C should take approximately the same amount of time, since both multiplications involve 10 * 60000 * 785 multiplications.
However, I have very different timings on different machines. On my laptop (Windows 7, 2.40 GHz processor, 8 GB memory, Python 2.7, Numpy 1.7.1) I got:
0.21 s
0.21 s
which is normal. On a cluster machine (Linux CentOS 5.6, 2.66 GHz, 16 GB memory, Python 2.7.3, Numpy 1.8.1) I got:
6.77 s
1.10 s
where A * B is much slower than B * C.
Can anyone explain why the two multiplications take different time intervals? I'm not sure which configurations are relevant, but I'll try to provide any information you need.
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(too long for comments, not for an answer)
If you run the following, are you getting big performance differences?
#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
import numpy
import time
A = numpy.random.random((10,60000))
B = numpy.random.random((60000,785))
C = numpy.random.random((785,10))
t = time.time()
D =
print("%.2f s" % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
D = numpy.transpose(B).dot(numpy.transpose(A))
print("%.2f s" % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
D =
print("%.2f s" % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
D = numpy.transpose(C).dot(numpy.transpose(B))
print("%.2f s" % (time.time() - t))
When I run this I get
0.21 s
0.22 s
0.44 s
0.22 s
This is a strong indication of the differences in memory access patterns.
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