Access to the download file at $ OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR

I have uploaded some images to a folder $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/uploaded

, but I cannot find these files using:



The error message was something like this:

The requested URL / var / lib / openshift / xxxxx / app-root / data / thumbnails / filename.jpg was not found on this server.

But when I ssh into my openhift app , there was a file in$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/uploaded/

Is there a specific command to extract information from $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR


***** ***** edited

So, I did some further research online and apparently the folder is $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR

not available. One way to get around is to create a symbolic link. However, another problem arises: I could not symbolize $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/uploaded

and $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/src/img/uploaded

. The command I used was:

ln -s ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}uploaded ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}src/img/uploaded


But when I check it using readlink


readlink -f ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}src/img/uploaded


it still displays the folder ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}src/img/uploaded



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1 answer

So the solution was pretty simple: set the .openshift/action_hooks/build

file to "executable" . A symbolic link to $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/src/img/uploaded

can then be specified in the assembly file and the loaded files can then be invoked by calling$_ENV['$OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR'].'src/img/uploaded/filename.jpg';



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