Routing AngularJS in MVC Application Using Templates

I have 3 MVC controllers:

  • Control panel (default)
  • Customer
  • Employee For each of them, only the "Index" action is available with only the "Index" view.

In the layout I have a simple menu with three entries: "Dashboard", "Customer", and "Employee" ( @Html.ActionLink("Dashboard", "Index", "Dashboard")


No problem, I can change the view through the menu.

No, I added 3 angularjs controllers ("/ App / Controllers / CustomerController", ...) these controllers are added to the bundle. The build page has a link to this package.

To view the dashboard /Views/Dashboard/Index.cshtml

, I have the following:

<div ng-controller="DashboardController" ng-cloak>
    <div ng-view></div>


For Employee view /Views/Employee/in Index.cshtml

, I have the following:

<div ng-controller="EmployeeController" ng-cloak>
    <div ng-view></div>


For /Views/Customer/Index.cshtml


<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
    <li><a href="#/Customer/List">List customers</a></li>
    <li><a href="#/Customer/5">Detail</a></li>
<div ng-controller="CustomerController" ng-cloak>
    <!-- this is where content will be injected -->
    <div ng-view></div>


When I run the application (F5) I click MVC Index Dashboard, but the url looks like this:



I click on the "Employee" link, I see the correct content, but the url looks like this:



I click on the Client link, I see the correct content, but the url looks like this:



I clik "Customer List", I can see the content of the template, but the url looks like this:



I clik "Detail", I can see the content of the template, but the url looks like this:



All content also matches the behavior correctly, the url is weird (even if I can live).

I tied to the used: $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);

and removed the # in my menu, but in this If I click on "Client List" I get an error because the MVC controller is missing the "/ Client / List" action. I would like to only have an index file.

When I remove the otherwise section of the routing, the URL from the "looks better" menu:



In the App.js file, I am setting the routing below.

How can I solve this?


myAppModule.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {

    .when('/Employee/List', {
        templateUrl: 'App/Templates/Employee/List.html',
        controller: 'MyEmployeeController',
        caseInsensitiveMatch: true
    .when('/Employee/:id?', {
        templateUrl: 'App/Templates/Employee/Detail.html',
        controller: 'MyEmployeeController',
        caseInsensitiveMatch: true
    .when('/Customer/List', {
        templateUrl: 'App/Templates/Customer/List.html',
        controller: 'MyCustomerController',
        caseInsensitiveMatch: true
    .when('/Customer/:id?', {
        templateUrl: 'App/Templates/Customer/Detail.html',
        controller: 'MyCustomerController',
        caseInsensitiveMatch: true
        redirectTo: '/dashboard'




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1 answer

AngularJS loads the page once and then loads the missing data from the server (as JSON data). MVC loads a full page on every request.

Based on this, you cannot use the same routing for MVC and AngularJS app, you need to solve one of the concepts.

This means that you either provide angular for advanced client UI (like filtering) and do the routing entirely on the server, or provide just one MVC page and provide an interface to access your date (for example, as described here: / questions / 201570 / ... ).

Using the same routing for AngularJS and MVC means you have to implement a controller that returns views (full HTML pages) and a controller that provides JSON data to route AngularJS. This leads to a lot of work, it is not easy to maintain, and as far as I can see it does not offer any benefits.

MVC page concept (traditional conecpt) Das klassische Web-Paradigma Anglular Page concept (Single page concept (SPA)) Single Page Application (SPA) Framework



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