Editable checkbox in QTableView column
I have a checkbox column in QTableView
. This flag is generated:
- return
to overriddenflags
member function - in the overridden function
i returnQt::CheckState
forrole == Qt::CheckStateRole
according to the data
Works, see screenshot.
But besides the checkbox, I have an editable textbox in the column. How can I get rid of this textbox (where I entered "dsdsdsds" for demonstration? Clarification, the checkbox should be editable , but nothing else.
As requested, I can only show a simplified version
Qt::ItemFlags MyClass::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const {
Qt::ItemFlags f = QAbstractListModel::flags(index);
... return f if index is not target column ....
// for target column with checkbox
return (f | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable; )
QVariant MyClass::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const {
.. do something for other columns
.. for checkbox column
if (role != Qt::CheckStateRole) { return QVariant(); }
bool b = ... get value for checkbox column
Qt::CheckState cs = b ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked;
return QVariant(static_cast<int>(cs));
If I delete Qt::ItemIsEditable
then this checkbox is read as well. I later found a SO answer with a similar approach.
Note. No duplicate Column only in QTableView field
Replace flag
with flag
The first tells Qt to create an editor for the value present in the model, which appears to be a text editor in your case. If the value is of type bool
, then a drop-down list containing true
and will be shown instead false