Failed to install sqldf on Linux

I am running R version 2.14.1 on Linux. When I try to install sqldf using

install.packages(sqldf, dependencies=TRUE)

I am getting the following errors: (these errors cause the command to be run from the terminal, just like using the Rcmdr interface)

open magazine here

I cannot find someone with a similar problem. If I run the install command on a Windows PC, it installs without any problem.


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2 answers

Installed libpq-dev, MySQL, reinstalled JAVA and updated R to the latest version. SQLdf works like a charm now. Thanks for bringing everyone up.



There is a line in the error log:

In file included from RS-PQescape.c:7:0:
RS-PostgreSQL.h:23:26: fatal error: libpq-fe.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [RS-PQescape.o] Error 1


Try to install the package libpq-dev

for your specific Linux distribution.

As an aside, when you get an error like this, it's pretty clear what's libpq-fe.h

missing. Just libpq-fe.h ubuntu

google to see which package you need to install.



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