Elmah boot log not working

VS2013, MVC5, SQL error logging elmah.corelibrary version 1.2.1 elmah.mvc version 2.1.1

I have successfully installed elmah on MVC5 site using SQL database registration mechanism. Elmah's logging works fine on both Dev (local SQLExpress) and hosted site (SQL standard). Everything works as expected, like the error message from elmah page, rss feeds, etc.

But the boot log function never returns after clicking. So, a few questions:

1) Does anyone know that the feature is not working for any specific general reasons? 2) Where is the best place to report problems with elmah?


Best wishes Alan


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2 answers

My name was due to the fact that someone voted for this post. There is more to add over time. It is not that the above answer is wrong; if these versions are used, the information above is correct.

However, since this post was posted, version 2.1.2 of elmah.mvc has become available in the NuGet Package Manager.

This new version works correctly and the package installs very well. We thought that those who are looking at this problem should know.



Turned out the problem was with the elmah.mvc function related to the boot log function. It is documented in the issues listed at http://code.google.com/p/elmah/issues/list . You should search for "all problems" (in the search dropdown) and search for "boot log". Release 338 is at http://code.google.com/p/elmah/issues/detail?id=338&can=1&q=download%20log&colspec=ID . In this issue, Atif Aziz (author of Elma) lists 4 different works.

I decided to go back to the basic elmah package and the boot log issue was gone. You will have to follow the recommended security guidelines which differ from what elmah.mvc provided, but it works and the problem was in elmah.mvc.

Best wishes Alan



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