Vungle: No cached or streaming ad.

I am trying to integrate Vungle ads into my Android project. Everything in my code is similar to what was mentioned in the Vungle SDK - Developer's Guide and Advanced Settings .

But when I call vunglePub.playAd();

it onAdUnavailable(String reason)

is called with the result "No cached or streamed ad". This happens every time I want to play, whether I'm connected to the internet or not. The Internet works everywhere, in the browser, in the Play Store, in any other ad, even in Vungle Ads in other applications can be played.

My listener looks like this:

private final EventListener vungleListener = new EventListener() {

    public void onVideoView(boolean isCompletedView, int watchedMillis, int videoDurationMillis) {
        Log.d(MY_LOGS, "onVideoView");

    public void onAdStart() {
        Log.d(MY_LOGS, "onAdStart");
        // Called before playing an ad

    public void onAdEnd(boolean wasCallToActionClicked) {
        Log.d(MY_LOGS, "wasCallToActionClicked");
        // Called when the user leaves the ad and control is returned to your application

    public void onCachedAdAvailable() {
        Log.d(MY_LOGS, "onCachedAdAvailable");
        // Called when an ad is downloaded and may be played

    public void onAdUnavailable(String reason) {
        Log.d(MY_LOGS, "onAdUnavailable, reason: " + reason);
        // Called when VunglePub.playAd() was called, but no ad was available to play



PS In my question it looks exactly like this one, Vungle Ads are not available :

  • I have added whatever is required in my manifest file.
  • I have checked and rechecked my AppID.
  • Also the TimSim issue was solved by updating to a more recent version of the Vungle SDK, I am already on the latest version.

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