- [UIView setAdUnitID1:]: unrecognized selector posted to the instance

I created a static library UIView


. So I am getting crash when I use its property or funcitons. but if I use LinDFPBanner.m

Everything works fine, in Storyboard I also connected it in nib. I searched but did not understand why in static libraries this is happening. The problem could be Library search path . can someone help me how can i give the library search path.

enter image description here

 self.linBannerView.adUnitID1 = @"XXXX";
    self.linBannerView.rootViewController1 = self;


Also the app works fine on ipod touch5 and ipad mini. crash in simulator and iphone 5s. it might be an architech problem.

Do I need to build a framework and not a static library? because it doesn't work in iphone 5s


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2 answers

LibLinOneSdk.a contains only armv7 architecture code. iPhone 5s is 64-bit, so you need to enable 64-bit architecture code. You need to follow the instructions for building the thick library first . Once you've done that, you'll need to follow the instructions below to tie things up correctly.

It LinDFPBanner

becomes dead when linking from a static library . To make sure it's not lost, you need to add a link to LinDFPBanner

in your code. You can do this by adding the following code:

- (void)dummyMethod
  [LinDFPBanner class];


This will cause the class to be referenced and should be loaded properly when needed.



Change the presentation class of your banner self.linBannerView

in the storyboard to GADBannerView


Double check the same class is in the IBOutlet

one you did.

Hope it helps.



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