Cordova plays YouTube videos in the background

I know how to play YouTube videos in iOS Cordova, but when the app enters the background video, the video stops and I need to manually resume it.

How do I set up the correct background so that it keeps playing when the app enters the background?

I've done a lot of research already and tried to implement many solutions here from Stack Overflow related to this topic, but none worked for me. On their Q&A site, Apple posted this code:

#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>

AVPlayerItem *playerItem = <#Get your player item#>;

NSArray *tracks = [playerItem tracks];
for (AVPlayerItemTrack *playerItemTrack in tracks)
    // find video tracks
    if ([playerItemTrack.assetTrack hasMediaCharacteristic:AVMediaCharacteristicVisual])
        playerItemTrack.enabled = NO; // disable the track


Unfortunately, I don't know how I can refer to the AVPlayer instance from the UIWebView, but that might be the approach.


Any ideas?


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1 answer

It would be helpful to know how you are currently playing the video, but have you tried using this plugin:

NB. after following the installation instructions, I had to manually copy my own plugin files to the iOS plugins folder to get it working. A sample project is included in the source.



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