VS shortcut for changes to AnkhSvn

Is it possible to add a keyboard shortcut to AnkhSvn Show Changes (from the context menu) for the current file in Visual Studio 2012?


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3 answers

Perhaps this was not possible at the time; but now it is possible.

Command to change the display: ClassViewContextMenus.ClassViewProject.SourceControl.Svn.Compare

Note. This will not display diff if there are no changes in the currently opened file.





Unfortunately, this is not possible right away. I think the best thing you can do is bind File.CommitItem to your preferred hotkey, which will display the Commit to Subversion window.



FYI: If you are using VisualSVN, you can right-click in the Visual Studio Code Editor to open the context menu and then choose Show Differences or Show Log .

The first will open the diff tool for the open file, the second will open the change history for the file.



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