What does? Action / .event mean at the end of the URL?

" https://www.evernote.com/Home.action "

Hi I was browsing Evernote and Mint.com and noticed that they both have .event / .action at the end of the url as above. What is its significance? How do you add something like this to the end of the url?


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1 answer

This means that the website is based on the Struts2 framework from apache. Struts2 is a popular Java framework for building enterprise Java applications. All struts2 based sites have a final ".action" URL.

This can be changed from the config file.

Source: http://struts.apache.org/docs/hello-world-using-struts-2.html

Configuration change: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/struts_2/struts_configuration.htm



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