Connect Android Wearable Emulator with Handheld device which is adb connected WIRELESS

Is it possible to connect a wearable emulator to a portable device that is connected to adb wireless?

1) I first connected my phone to the wireless network using the adb tcpip 5555 command.2) Now my phone is connected to adb at the ip address assigned to it in the local wlan. (adb connect ipaddress) 3) I have now started using the Carry Device Emulator and I want to connect it to this wirelessly connected portable device. For a normal connection, the command to do this is adb -d forward tcp: 5601 tcp: 5601, but I know this obviously won't work.

So my question is, can this be achieved? Is it yes or no, can you explain to me why? I don't have a big idea about tcp ports etc. I tried to do this, but couldn't find much information on this on the internet. So it would be great if you could explain this to me.

The adb command says that the forward command will forward the port depending on what you specified. So I also want to know about the exact granularity for this and how it works.

I have no commands over networking concepts, so please explain accordingly.

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

Change the command to pair with the device as follows

adb -s <remote_device_ip>:5555 -d forward tcp:5601 tcp:5601


An example in my case:

adb -s -d forward tcp:5601 tcp:5601




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