Katherine produced by Doctrine with ZF2

I am currently preparing some kind of production software and I wanted to check that my settings would be optimized, but when I run the following command I get the following information:

php index.php orm:ensure-production-settings
Metadata Cache uses a non-persistent cache driver, Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache.


I have also tried the above command with -vvv

but the result is the same

I started revisiting my code and I cannot find where I am using ArrayCache.

Here is my current configuration

I know this works as I can validate the keys on the Memcached system and I can see performance gains as well. Based on the documentation I found online, I can only find where Doctrine is advised to have a production cache with APC.

I am currently running PHP 5.6.4 with latest ZF2 2.3.3 and latest doctrine 2. This will make APC unavailable of course.

I am wondering if there is something that I am not seeing or can I make it so that when I run the command orm:ensure-production-settings

, it assures me that Doctrine Cache is good for production?

Perhaps the doctrine only likes APC for optimal cache ...


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1 answer

Check the order of your module.

Your config from module.config.php gets the ability to overwrite my DoctrineModule.

Check your application.config.php file and do this:

return [
'modules' => [

    //YOUR_MODULES_HERE! -> after DoctrineModule




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