What is the reason for not seeing even a few "useful" and public websocket-based services?

What is the reason why you don't see even a few "useful" and public websocket-based services?

RESTful services are very similar to the one related to weather forecast below.



However, why are there no services like



with some documentation on what kind of messages a websocket client can expect to send and receive bi-directionally over a single connection?


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1 answer

What is the reason why you don't see even a few "useful" and public websocket-based services?

Could it be because no websites have been created for this? They came from the HTML5 initiative and were created to replace the Ajax interaction between the browser and the website for real-time web applications. No more polling, long polling, streaming, flash sockets or any other HTTP hack to get the server to send data to the browser. Webocket is the real thing.

Most web services now follow a request / response pattern, while websocket is still a maturing technology. Give it time, and there will be services, services that really need the capabilities of websockets and don't use them just because "there's a new kid in the city."

As a final note, here is something for Web sites that emerged from Microsoft.



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