Shell script to delete files smaller than x kb

I am trying to figure out how to write a small script to delete text files that are less than 50 kilobytes in size, but I have no success.

My attempt looks like this:

for i in *.txt
   if [ stat -c %s < 5 ]
     rm $i


I would suggest some recommendations, thanks!


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2 answers

You should be using fedorqui version, but for reference:

for i in ./*.txt   # ./ avoids some edge cases when files start with dashes
  # $(..) can be used to get the output of a command
  # use -le, not <, for comparing numbers
  # 5 != 50k
  if [ "$(stat -c %s "$i")" -le 50000 ]
    rm "$i"  # specify the file to delete      
  fi # end the if statement


It is usually easier to write a program piece by piece and verify that each piece works, rather than writing the entire program and then trying to debug it.



You can directly use find

with an option size

for this:

find /your/path -name "*.txt" -size -50k -delete
                              if you wanted bigger than 50k, you'd say +50


You may want to stick with the files in the current directory without going down in the directory structure. If so, you can say:

find /your/path -maxdepth 1 -name "*.txt" -size -50k -delete


From man find


-size n [cwbkMG]

The file uses n units of space. The following suffixes can be used:

'b' for 512-byte blocks (this is the default if no suffix is ​​used)

'c' for bytes

'w' for double-byte words

'k' for Kilobytes (units of 1024 bytes)

'M' for megabytes (units 1048576 bytes)

'G' for gigabytes (units 1073741824 bytes)



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