What are the best practices for simple random shuffling of code, both C ++ 03 and C ++ 14?

Background: I drag and drop vector elements for a simple game. It should be possible to play the same game over and over again by passing the same whole seed - and vice versa, different seeds should produce different games. Cryptographic security (or any rigor) is not a design goal; code cleanliness is a design goal.

C ++ 98 / C ++ 03 is introduced std::random_shuffle

, which is used like this:

int seed = ...;
std::srand(seed);  // caveat, see below

std::vector<int> deck = ...;
std::random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end());


However, as of C ++ 14, it is random_shuffle

deprecated (source: N3924 ). The C ++ 14 way to shuffle the deck

int seed = ...;

std::vector<int> deck = ...;
std::shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end(), std::mt19937(seed));


Here's what distracts each approach:

  • Method srand

    / is random_shuffle

    deprecated in C ++ 14, so we shouldn't use it.

  • In some implementations random_shuffle

    , it doesn't seem to take its seed from srand

    , i.e. seeding with a different value doesn't give you any other output! (libstdc ++ on Linux doesn't have this issue, but Xcode on OSX 10.9.5 does.)

  • The shuffle

    / method is mt19937

    not part of C ++ 03, so we cannot use it.

  • It seems like the shuffle

    / path mt19937

    requires us to pass the seed all the way down to the deck's drag code. For my application, I'd rather just "set it and forget" with a mechanism such as srand

    that hides the global variable rather than having to define my own global PRNG type mt19937

    . In other words: I don't want to worry about the PRNG details, I just want to shuffle my vector!

  • I'm a bit worried about thread safety (being able to shuffle two different decks from different threads at the same time), but obviously not only with regard to thread safety and seed at the same time. Think of thread safety as "nice".

The first candidate I was thinking about is:

  • bite the bullet and pass int seed

    all the way down to the deck's drag code (avoiding globals)

  • use something like #if __cplusplus >= 20110000

    to use random_shuffle

    pre-c ++ 11 and shuffle

    post-c ++ 11

  • to work around the srand

    "bug" in OSX, use the 3-argument version random_shuffle

    with some tricky functor ... that sounds ugly

Second candidate:

  • screw C ++ 03; just de-support any implementation that doesn't provide std::shuffle

    it std::mt19937

    out of the box

But is there a good way to solve this problem? I know this is a problem that no one else has unless their program is a toy program; but there must be hundreds of toy programs out there that hit this problem!


source to share

4 answers

Even in C ++ 11, distributions are not standardized in implementation.

Write your own shuffler (for each item, swap it for another random item) and a random number generator / distribution. Weak, slow random number generators are short and simple.

I would pass your "random factory" down and fork as the thread grows, as this also allows multiple "runs" in the same execution. This is usually an explicit state, not a global one. But not needed if single threaded: just put a random factory in some kind of global state and keep your nose up.

There is no random shuffle that would traverse C ++ 03 to C ++ 17, so take a short handwritten note. It also provides the same behavior across multiple platforms, which is useful for a number of reasons (test coverage (same across platforms), cross-platform testing (bug in OS / X can be debugged on Windows), portability of myriad materials (save game files, network network based gameplay, etc.)).



First create your desired interface. It should hide some platform / compiler specifics from the user, but give you all the necessary data to implement. Write a unit test with your desired usage. Something like that:

int seed = ...;
std::vector<int> deck = ...;
my_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end(), seed);


Then we implement

template< typename IteratorType >
void my_shuffle( IteratorType first, IteratorType last, 
                                       int seed = some_default_seed_maybe )
     #ifdef MACOS_FOUND
         // Mac solution
     #elif __cplusplus >= 201103L
         // C++11 solution
         // fallback


Does it look clean enough?

Check also: How to reliably detect Mac OS X, iOS, Linux, Windows in C preprocessor?




how is the reserve? I am doing this for threads with little concern.



I might be tempted to do something like this. It solves the miss-seed problem by wrapping it in a custom class. To make this work less, I have privately inherited from std::vector<int>

and just implemented the features I really need for deck


Private inheritance gives me some protection if I can't assign deck*

it to the base pointer (and thus avoid problems with a non-virtual destructor).

#if __cplusplus >= 201103L

class deck
: private std::vector<int>
    int seed = 0;

    deck(int seed = 0): seed(seed) {}

    // access relevant functions
    using std::vector<int>::size;
    using std::vector<int>::begin;
    using std::vector<int>::end;
    using std::vector<int>::push_back;
    using std::vector<int>::operator=;
    using std::vector<int>::operator[];

    void shuffle()
        std::shuffle(begin(), end(), std::mt19937(seed));



class deck
: private std::vector<int>
    typedef std::vector<int> vector;
    typedef vector::iterator iterator;

    int seed = 0;

    deck(int seed = 0): seed(seed) {}

    // implement relevant functions
    iterator begin() { return vector::begin(); }
    iterator end() { return vector::end(); }
    void push_back(int i) { vector::push_back(i); }
    int& operator[](vector::size_type i) { return (*this)[i]; }

    void shuffle()
        std::random_shuffle(begin(), end());



int main()
    deck d(5);

    d = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};


    for(unsigned i = 0; i < d.size(); ++i)
        std::cout << d[i] << '\n';




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