What is the purpose of the assemblies in the bin folder .Net Core Runtime Environment (KRE)?

I see a lot of assemblies in the bin folder of KRE: {user path}\.kre\packages\KRE-CoreCLR-x86.1.0.0-beta1\bin

what is the purpose of these assemblies as they are never referenced?

For example assembly System.Net.Http.dll

: I reference this assembly in the project.json file, which is then fetched from nuget and saved in a folder {user path}\.kpm\packages

and referenced from there, not from the kre bin folder.



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Basic principles

There are a number of principles that have helped shape the runtime:

  • The runtime should be as self-contained as possible . Until the runtime ran the application dependency tree, your application cannot know which base CLR package you want to use, so it cannot load any of them before. Except for Roslyn, because the dependency resolver that Roslyn uses doesn't actually load Roslyn until the dependencies are gone.

  • Dependency injection across the entire stack. DI is the main part of KRuntime and all the libraries we build on top of it.

These .dll files for KRuntime are not specific to the application built on top of it.



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