Monkey-fixing a named function that immediately called

A script I am loading badly. He got this structure:

function bad_function() {

/* randomly generated stuff */



How can I change the behavior bad_function

if called immediately at the end of the script? I thought about creating a read-only property on window

before loading the script, but this throws an exception TypeError: Identifier 'bad_function' has already been declared

when the above script is executed:

Object.defineProperty(window, 'bad_function', {
    value: function() {
        /* my monkey-patched code */


How can I disable this function?


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2 answers

While this doesn't answer my question in general, I was able to render my specific function harmless by fixing a global type function encodeURIComponent

that was called inside my function, making the necessary changes, and throwing an exception to prevent the rest of the original function.

var old_encodeURIComponent = window.encodeURIComponent;

window.encodeURIComponent = function() {
    // If this function is used in multiple places, look for variables in
    // the current scope to determine if this is the right spot to start 
    // monkey patching.
    if (typeof a === 'undefined' || typeof b === 'undefined') {
        return old_encodeURIComponent.apply(this, arguments);

    // You now have access to the variables in the scope of your target 
    // function. If your monkey patching is just a simple tweak, you're all set

    // Otherwise, do what you need to do and throw an exception to stop the
    // rest of the code from running

    throw 'goodbye';




It's not nice, but all I can do is load the script via ajax instead of putting it in a tag <script>

, manipulate the resulting string to call your own version of the function (or "rename" bad_function

so it doesn't override your version). then put this in a tag <script>

and add it to your page:

Example using jQuery for simplicity:

function good_function() {
    alert("I am good");

    url: '/echo/html/',
    type: 'POST',
    data: {
        html: "function bad_function() { alert('hahaha'); } bad_function();",
        delay: 0
    success: function(data) {

        // comment this line to see the original
        data = data.replace('bad_function();', 'good_function();')

        var newScript = $('<script type="text/javascript" />').text(data);


Working JSFiddle



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