Samsung Galaxy S3 Android Browser / Note Not Receiving Text Input

I've been trying for hours now to figure out why only on samsung devices webview doesn't receive any input in the textbox, on other manufactures usually Sony and nexus just don't work Samsung Note running 4.1

The input field gets focus and the keyboard highlights the selected letter, which it just doesn't appear in the input textbox, but there is one weird thing where it will accept other specific characters, for example. € £ and other foreign characters with no other standard numbers or numbers.

I've tried several different things like webView.getSettings (). setJavaScriptEnabled (true); and webView.requestFocus (View.FOCUS_DOWN); no trick :(

The page I'm trying to do input is on the internet, not an internal page, but the same problem occurs when using Google. eg.

webview issue on samsung galaxy note 4.1 and other samsung devices


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