Dynamically select property in linq

I have a property whose name is in a variable ( userFilters.property

), which can be of type string / enum / number.

I want to dynamically select different values ​​for this property. how to do it.

        var query = CreatePincodeQuery(useFilters);

        //userFilters.property contains the property to be selected
        Expression<Func<PincodeData, string>> selectExpr = null;

        IList<string> list = query.Select(selectExpr)
        return list.;


I need to create an expression of a type Expression<Func<PincodeData, string>> selectExpr

to use as part of the select and orderBy block.

How should I do it?

I have reviewed the suggested solution here , here and here , but am not able to figure out how I can change the ones that suit my needs.


came up solution below as expected its not working and how to convert value to string.

    Func<TEntity, string> CreateNewStatement<TEntity>(string field)
        var xParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "o");
        var property = Expression.Property(xParameter, typeof(TEntity).GetProperty(field));
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, string>>(property, xParameter);
        return lambda.Compile();



I changed the type from string to object but its still unable to create lambda for enum types which could be the reason


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