Google V3 search result and YouTube API does not return full / complete description or snippet

We are integrating Google V3 and Youtube Search API. Following are the requests for the URLs of the service. We found the search result as returning partial characters (say

first 160 characters) "description" (for youtube) or "fragment" (for google). We need a full description or information about synoptic types. We need a full description or

from the search results we looked at all the API options but didn't help much.

Please request your valuable suggestion / help.

Youtube API Search: 2Csnippet & q = azure & maxResults = 1 & L.R. = en & key = AIzaSyCDgJ06vaf7VGTZU7M49Hy_xoZteEpdeDM & callback = jQuery19105663580358959734_1420535665057 & _ = 1420535665066

Output (JSON):

"description": "This video is part of a blog post: I do a lot of demos. I write a lot of blog posts. T ...",

Thank you, Manohara M


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