SQL Server: Get weekly deposit changes using recursive CTE

I have a table with accounts.

| DepositId |    Date    |  Amount   |
|         1 | 2014-06-12 | 2342,00   |
|         2 | 2014-08-05 | 23423,00  |
|         3 | 2014-09-07 | 7745,00   |
|        12 | 2014-12-05 | 35435,00  |
|        13 | 2014-12-11 | 353453,00 |
|        14 | 2014-12-29 | 53453,00  |


I want to see the weekly balance change like this:

|     Date   |  Amount  |
| 2014-10-07 | 74754,00 |
| 2014-10-14 | 74754,00 |
| 2014-10-21 | 6353,00  |
| 2014-10-28 | 6353,00  |
| ........   | ......   |
| 2014-12-30 | 53453,00 |


To see this change over the last 3 months (~ 13 weeks), I can use these queries:

select CONVERT(date, DATEADD(WEEK, -13, GETDATE())) as Date, ad.Amount
from AccountDeposits as ad
inner join
    (select Max(Date) as Date
    from AccountDeposits
    where (Date < DATEADD(WEEK, -13, GETDATE())))
    as ad2 on (ad.Date = ad2.Date)

    union all

select CONVERT(date, DATEADD(WEEK, -12, GETDATE())) as Date, ad.Amount
from AccountDeposits as ad
inner join
    (select Max(Date) as Date
    from AccountDeposits
    where (Date < DATEADD(WEEK, -12, GETDATE())))
    as ad2 on (ad.Date = ad2.Date)


select CONVERT(date, DATEADD(WEEK, -1, GETDATE())) as Date, ad.Amount
from AccountDeposits as ad
inner join
    (select Max(Date) as Date
    from AccountDeposits
    where (Date < DATEADD(WEEK, -1, GETDATE())))
    as ad2 on (ad.Date = ad2.Date)


I need to do this with recursive generic table expressions, but in the recursive part of the CTE, I cannot use the function MAX()

. How am I supposed to write this series of queries to query using CTE?


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4 answers

This uses two CTEs, one of which sums up our original data and the other uses a recursive CTE to generate all weeks, which allows us to also show weeks when there were no deposits. It also uses two related subqueries to get the summed data from the first CTE.

I think this suits the requirements of your assignment.

--NOTE: this gets data based on week end date, so all deposits for week of @WeeksHistory ago not just the deposits after the date (today  minus @WeeksHistory weeks).
--NOTE: this gets all historical data so that we can start with opening balance of $0 otherwise Closing balance wont take previous deposits into account.
--NOTE: this gets the week starting @WeeksHistory ago and also this week so you will end up with @WeeksHistory +1 records - you might want to adjust this as necessary


-- set up our source data declare @AccountDeposits table (DepID int, AcctHolderID int, TxnDate date, Amount numeric(10,2))

insert into @AccountDeposits values (1, 3,'12-25-2014', 2423.00), (2, 1,'12-13-2014',4231.00), (3, 2,'11-01-2014',666.00), (4, 1,'11-01-2014',4241.34), (5, 4,'10-23-2014',4221.00), (6, 2,'10-22-2014',9992.00), (7, 2,'10-04-2014',3524.00), (8, 2,'10-14-2014',3524.00), (9, 2,'10-15-2014',3524.00), (10, 2,'10-16-2014',3524.00), (11, 3,'10-14-2014',3524.00), (12, 3,'10-15-2014',3524.00), (13, 3,'10-16-2014',3524.00), (14, 1,'10-01-2014',3524.00), (15, 2,'10-01-2014',3524.00), (16, 3,'10-01-2014',3524.00), (17, 4,'01-01-2015',3524.00)

declare @AcctHolderID as int = 2 declare @WeeksHistory int = -13

select dateadd(week,@WeeksHistory,getdate()) ThirteenWeeksAgo

;with src (AcctHolderID, WeekEndsOn, Amount) as (select AcctHolderID, DATEADD(DAY, 7-DATEPART(WEEKDAY, TxnDate), TxnDate), SUM(Amount) from @AccountDeposits where AcctHolderID = @AcctHolderID -- we filter up here so that we arent processing data we dont care about. group by AcctHolderID, DATEADD(DAY, 7-DATEPART(WEEKDAY, TxnDate), TxnDate) ), r_cte (AcctHolderID, WeekEndsOn, TotalDep, ClosingBal) as (select AcctHolderID, dateadd(ww,-1,Min(WeekEndsOn)), convert(numeric(10,2),0.00), convert(numeric(10,2),0.00) from src group by AcctHolderID union all select r_cte.AcctHolderID, dateadd(WW,1,r_cte.WeekEndsOn), convert(numeric(10,2),ISNULL((select Amount from src where AcctHolderID = r_cte.AcctHolderID and WeekEndsOn = dateadd(WW,1,r_cte.WeekEndsOn)),0)), convert(numeric(10,2),ISNULL((select Amount from src where AcctHolderID = r_cte.AcctHolderID and WeekEndsOn = dateadd(WW,1,r_cte.WeekEndsOn)),0) + r_cte.ClosingBal) from r_cte where AcctHolderID = r_cte.AcctHolderID and r_cte.WeekEndsOn < DATEADD(DAY, 7-DATEPART(WEEKDAY, Getdate()), DATEADD(WW,-1,Getdate())) ) select AcctHolderID, DATEDIFF(ww, WeekEndsOn, getdate()) as WeeksAgo, WeekEndsOn, TotalDep, ClosingBal from r_cte where r_cte.WeekEndsOn > dateadd(week,@WeeksHistory,getdate()) order by AcctHolderID, WeekEndsOn



I may have misinterpreted the question (apologies if I have), but if the question is "for every week that there were deposits, please indicate the sum of all deposits for this week and the last day of this week", then the T -SQL below would give correct results ...

with myCte1 as
    select *, datepart(week,d.[Date]) as wk, datepart(year,d.[Date]) as yr, 
        dateadd(dd, 7-(datepart(dw,d.[Date])), d.[Date]) as weekEndDate
    from dbo.AccountDeposits as d

myCte2 as
    select *, sum(m.Amount) over (partition by m.yr, m.wk) as totalWeeklyAmt
    from myCte1 as m

select distinct m.weekEndDate, m.totalWeeklyAmt
from myCte2 as m




I solved it without CTE ... First create a table with startdate and enddate for 13 weeks starting with getdate ().

Create table weeklydates
(Startdate date,
 Enddate date
Declare @startdate date
Declare @enddate date

Set @startdate = cast (dateadd (week,-13,getdate ()) as date)
Set @enddate = dateadd (day,7,@startdate)

While @enddate < = getdate ()
Insert into weeklydates
Select @startdate, @enddate
Set @startdate = dateadd (day,1,@enddate)
Set @enddate = dateadd (day,7,@startdate)


Now use this table to display the amount, which will be the sum of the amount whose dates are between the start date and the end date.

Select a.startdate,a.enddate, (select sum (amount) from yourtablehavingamount as b 
Where b.deposit >=a.startdate and b.deposit <=a.enddate)
From weeklydates as a





SELECT TOP 1 [Date] FROM AccountDeposits --Add WHERE ORDER BY [Date] DESC clause

:) David



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