Rails query hstore where key is NOT something or doesn't exist

I have a table with hstore and sometimes I use it to store information for a checkbox. We use "1" for checked ones and "0" for unverified ones. There is no default for hstore, so the user can be in one of four states:

customer_a = Customer.new({properties: {checkbox: "1"}})   # checked
customer_b = Customer.new({properties: nil})               # unchecked(object doesn't exist)
customer_c = Customer.new({properties: {checkbox: "0"}})   # unchecked(unchecked)
customer_d = Customer.new({properties: {taco: "chicken"}}) # unchecked(key doesn't exist)


Situation: How can I find all the "unchecked" lines?

Customer.where(" customer.properties -> 'checkbox' NOT LIKE '1' ")


^^^ does not work ^^^ ignores clients with empty "checkbox" key and where properties are empty.

Customer.where("customers.properties -> 'checkbox' LIKE '%0%' OR customers.properties IS NULL")


^^^ doesn't work ^^^ also ignores where key is missing

Is there a better way to do this in a single request?

the request should return [customer_b, customer_c, customer_d]

current solutions: - checked: Customer.where(" customer.properties -> 'checkbox' LIKE '1' ")

- unchecked:Customer.all - Customer.where(" customer.properties -> 'checkbox' LIKE '1' ")

does sql query exist returning rows where hstore key does not exist?


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1 answer

If you want to find all records where hstore is empty use

Customer.where(properties: ['',nil]) 



Customer.where("properties='' OR properties IS NULL")



Assuming you want to find everything minus 1 of your empty line comments, you can try this,

Customer.where("properties -> 'checkbox' NOT LIKE '1' OR NOT(properties ? 'checkbox') OR properties = '' OR properties is null")


To check that hstore contains a key

properties ? 'checkbox' 


checks for existence and I do not on it to find the ones with no checkbox and then empty properties. Let me know if this works.



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