The signed java applet no longer works in any browser if I set the clock on my computer

I have a Java applet (for the browser) signed and timestamped with a valid code signing certificate from GoDaddy. The code signing certificate will expire in a few weeks. Everything I've read says the applet will still be valid after the code signing certificate expires:

From here :

If a timestamp is found, then the code signature is valid until the end of time if the code remains unchanged

I would like to make sure that this is really true. If I change my computer clock settings to a later date, past which the certificate expires, I get the following Java exception in IE, Firefox and Chrome: Response unreliable: Its duration is out of date

Does this mean that the applet will actually fail after a few weeks when the code signing certificate expires, or is it a test that my computer clock is simply not valid? Any links anyway?


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2 answers

The Signing Certificate code has expired a few months ago and I can confirm that everything is still working fine. The Java popup that appears (when you first visit the site) says "The website's certificate has been verified."

The change to the local timestamp was invalid in this case.



As @Gabriel pointed out in a comment on the original question, the issue you are facing is with revocation checking.

I experienced this while testing with safari and worked around it by setting up java to allow certificates to be trusted even though revocation status cannot be checked, not revocation check.

See following screenshots from java console.

Trust even if the revocation status cannot be verified Disable review check



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