What does Error 309 mean?

In our assembly, we create an executable file with unit tests, for example:

tests = env.Program(os.path.join(env['testDir'], name + '_test'),
                    src + createManifest(env),
                    LIBS = libs,
                    LIBPATH = buildLibPath(env),
                    LINKFLAGS = env['LINKFLAGS'],
                    CPPPATH = cppPath)


This correctly creates an executable that is later launched by the following creator:

action = tests[0].abspath + '&& echo %DATE% %TIME% > ${TARGET}'
runTests = env.Command(source = tests,
                       target = 'test_'+name+'.tmp',
                       action = action)


Up to this point, everything works fine: tests are executed at build time.

I recently found the Visual Leak Detector tool and wanted to include it in the build. So, I changed the builder environment like this:

vldInclude = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(env['vldIncDir']), 'vld.h')
env.Append(CPPFLAGS='/FI' + vldInclude)
env.Append(LIBPATH = env['vldLibDir'])
vldLib = os.path.join(env['vldLibDir'], 'vld.lib')
libs.append(vldLib) # used in the Program call for the LIBS parameter, see above


scons: *** [build \ debug \ libname \ test_libname.dummy] Error 309

This error message is not very helpful. What does this mean and how can I fix it?


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1 answer

It turns out that the magic number is 309

larger than googleable if it is written like: 0xC0000135

(don't know why C

, but 135

HEX == 309

DEC) and that is the identifier of the error STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND


So this is not a SCons bug, but a Windows bug that is leaking through SCons.

This means that some DLLs are missing required for the VLD. Hiding in the VLD installation directory (usually: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Visual Leak Detector), two DLL files and one manifest file can be found in the bin \ Win32 subdirectory.

Not for the assembly to depend on the machine environment, you can either add a directory to env['ENV']['PATH']

, or copy the files to the directory where the tests are run.

To do the latter:

You need another VLD config parameter next to the library directory, namely the binaries directory. Let's call him vldBinDir

. When starting the build, you can copy these files to the build directory:

def setupVld(env):
    sourcePath = env['vldBinDir']
    targetPath = env['testDir']

    toCopy = ['dbghelp.dll',

    nodes = []
    for c in toCopy:
        n = env.Command(os.path.join(targetPath, c),
                        os.path.join(sourcePath, c),
                        SCons.Defaults.Copy("${TARGET}", "${SOURCE}"))

    env['vldDeps'] = nodes


And then when creating specific tests, be sure to add the dependency:

for n in env['vldDeps']:
    env.Depends(tests, n)




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