Can't set tag in Azure SQL Database using PowerShell

You can set the tag on an Azure resource such as a website using Set-AzureResource:

Set-AzureResource -Name [site name] -ResourceGroupName [resource group name] -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites -ApiVersion 2014-04-01 -Tags @{ Name = [my tag name]; Value = [my tag value] }


But no matter what I try, I cannot get this to work with Azure SQL DB. In fact, I can't even select a resource - here's what I'm trying:

Get-AzureResource -Name TroyPSTestDB -ResourceGroupName Default-SQL-WestUS -ResourceType Microsoft.Sql/servers -ApiVersion 2014-04-01


I always get "The resource provided does not exist". However, I can see the resource when I select all databases:

Get-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName Default-SQL-WestUS -ResourceType Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases


Which gives me:

Name              : TroyPSTestDB
ResourceGroupName : Default-SQL-WestUS
ResourceType      : Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases
ParentResource    : servers/snyb5o1pxk
Location          : westus
Permissions       :
                    Actions  NotActions
                    =======  ==========

ResourceId        : /subscriptions/62e2a1e5-4eda-4c1e-805e-44a6c8f8afbd/resourceGroups/Default-SQL-WestUS/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/snyb5o1pxk/databases/TroyPSTestDB


So what gives? Did something happen to the PS team? Or you just can't select one DB this way? Any other way to get the tag on it? Thank!


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2 answers

UPDATE: Not as many errors as received with the supplied arguments:

Get-AzureResource -Name {dbname} -ParentResource servers / {servername} -ResourceType Microsoft.Sql / servers / databases -ResourceGroupName {resource-group-name} -ApiVersion 2014-04-01

The key must include " servers / " in the -ParentResource argument.

So, in order to set the tags, you need to make sure you have configured the -ParentResource correctly - the rest of your arguments are correct.


You can add tags through the new portal. The Powershell stuff for managing this looks like a bug.

In the portal: /subscriptions/GUID/resourceGroups/Default-SQL-WestUS/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/ {servername} / databases / {database}? api-version = 2014-04-01

In PS: /subscriptions/GUID/resourcegroups/Default-SQL-WestUS/providers/Microsoft.Sql/ {servername} / databases / {database}? api-version = 2014-04-01

(note the missing node servers in the PS command).

Issue raised:



With AzureRM.Resources 3.0.1, you can set tags in Sql database using the following syntax:

Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' -ResourceName "$sqlServerName/$sqlDatabaseName" -ResourceGroupName $ressourceGroupName -Tag @{ env = "dev" }


In fact, the name of the Sql database resource returned Get-AzureRmResource

is already in the format server/database




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