Percentage difference between two events

I have a dataframe that looks like this:

df1 <- 

ID event  CONC
1   1      5
1   2      10
3   1      7
3   2      10


For each individual row, I want to calculate the percentage difference in concentration between the two events and add it to a new column.

For example: for ID = 1

diff <- (10-5)*100


I need help on how to specify this (CONCrow2-CONCrow1) for every single line. Then I can use the following to apply it by ID:

df2 <- df1 %>%
 group_by(ID) %>%
 mutate (percent = ....)



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1 answer

You may try

df1 %>% 
    group_by(ID) %>% 


Or using base R

transform(df1, percent=ave(CONC, ID, FUN=function(x) 100*c(NA, diff(x))))


Or using data.table

setDT(df1)[, percent := 100*c(NA, diff(CONC)), ID]



Based on comments by @Jan Gorecki, shift

this is a new option available in data.table_1.9.5

(devel version)

 setDT(df1)[,percent := 100*(CONC - shift(CONC)), by=ID][]




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