Reach the Target Number using only the other two numbers

I have two numbers L and R, L means left and R means Right. I need to get to a certain number (F) using L and R. Every time I have to start from zero as starting.

Example: L: 1 R: 2 F: 3

SO the minimum number of steps required to go to F is 3. Ans: First R, Second R, Third L.

In this case, I need to find the minimum number of ways to do this.

My approach:

Quo = F/R;
Remain : F%R;

x*R-Y*L = Remain
==> (x*R - Remain)/L = Y
this equation is break when (x*R - Remain)%L = 0, so we find x and y from the equation above.
So final Steps would be Quo + x(No. of right steps) + y( no. of left steps).

For Above Example :
Quo = 3/2 = 1;
Remain = 3%2 =1;

Y = (x*2 -1)/1
(x*2 -1)%1 is zero for x=1;
Now increase x from zero,

So x is 1, y is 1

Final Ans = Quo (1) + x (1) + y(1) = 3.


My code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace  std;

int main()
        int F,R,L;
        cin >> F;
        cin >> R;
        cin >> L;

        int remain = F%R;
        int quo = F/R;

        int Right = 0;
        int left = 0;
        int mode = 1;
        while( mode !=0)
         mode = (R*Right - remain)%L;
         left = (R*Right - remain)/L;

        int final = quo + Right + left;
        cout << final;


But I don't think this is a good approach as I put x in a loop which can be quite costly

Could you please suggest me a good approach to address this issue?


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1 answer

In the equation below

 x*R - Remain = 0modL
 where R, L and Remain are fixed.


It can be written as

((x*R)mod L - Remain mod L) mod L = 0


If Remain mod L = 0, then x * R must be a multiple of L, which makes x equal to 0modL. The x values ​​can be 0, nR, where n is an integer.

So, you can try x between 0 and L-1 to find x.

So your loop can run from 0 to L-1, which will keep the end loop going.

Please note that this mod is different from%. -1 mod L = L-1

whereas-1%L = -1

There is another approach.

x*R mod L - Remain mod L = 0 mod L


leads to

x*R mod L = Remain mod L
(x* (R mod L)) mod L = (Remain mod L)


You can compute the inverse R (say Rinv

) in the L field (if it exists) and compute x = (Remain*Rinv)modL

. If the inversion does not exist, it means that the equation cannot be fulfilled.

Note. I am not a mathematical expert. So please give your opinion if something is wrong.




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