How to get image from AFNetworking cache offline
I am new to using AFNetworking, my question is that I get one image from the server using AFNetworking and stop the application and start again, but the second time the internet is not available on the device, so I want to get the image from AFNetworking Caching if the internet is not available. on the iPhone. But I do not understand how to do this, I have not used AFNetworking before, so I do not understand how to do it. can anyone help me with some explanation or any good and understated example.
thanks in advance
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The cache can be found using cachedImageForRequest in AFImageCache class
If your image is attached to imageView you can use imageView categories method
- (void)setImageWithURL:(NSURL *)url placeholderImage:(UIImage *)placeholderImage;
in class UIImageView + AFNetworking
Also you can use SDWebImage to manage your images from the web
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