How to match a string to a pattern in Groovy

I'm trying to work out if a simple regex matches a string in Groovy. Here's my task in gradle. I tried to match two different ways that I found on the net, but neither works. It always prints "NO ERROR FOUND"

task aaa << {
    String stdoutStr = "bla bla errors found:\nhehe Aborting now\n hehe"
    println stdoutStr
    Pattern errorPattern = ~/error/
//  if (errorPattern.matcher(stdoutStr).matches()) {
    if (stdoutStr.matches(errorPattern)) {
        println "ERROR FOUND"
        throw new GradleException("Error in propel: " + stdoutStr)
    } else {
        println "NO ERROR FOUND"



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2 answers


ignores line breaks for .*

(DOTALL), and regexp means a complete match. so with ==~

as a shortcut this:

if ("bla bla errors found:\nhehe Aborting now\n hehe" ==~ /(?s).*errors.*/) ...




if (errorPattern.matcher(stdoutStr).matches()) {


The method matches()

requires the entire string to match the pattern, if you want to find matching substrings, use instead find()

(or just if(errorPattern.matcher(stdoutStr))

, since Groovy forces Matcher to be Boolean by calling find




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