What is the equivalent of [a <0] = 0 in Theano?

What is the NumPy equivalent a[a < 0] = 0

in Theano (tensor variable)? I want all my matrix elements to be less than a number equal to zero.


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2 answers

This work:

import theano
new_a=theano.tensor.set_subtensor(a[idxs], 0)


Don't forget that Theano is a symbolic language. Thus, the variable a does not change in the user's graph. This is a new variable new_a that contains the new value and still has the old value.

Theano will optimize this to work locally if possible.



This also works and can add an upper bound on the border as well

import theano
import theano.tensor as T
a = T.matrix()
b = a.clip(0.0)


or if you want to get the top border you can try:

b = T.clip(a, 0.0, 1.0)


where 1.0 is the place to set the upper border.

check docs here



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