Invalid key hash. The hash of the key does not match any stored key
I am trying to do a second login from my android device in my Facebook app.
I have calculated the hash code with the following code: / ...
I managed to do my first login (registration) to the FB app. Then I logged out. Now, when I try to login again, I get an "invalid key hash error", for example:
If I go to the Facebook user setup and uninstall the app, then I can login again and block the second attempt again.
I also tried the key-calculated hash: "~ / .android / debug.keystore" and it didn't matter.
I'll be glad to receive some suggestions here. Thank.
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Make sure you have completed the following
Create your keyboard using the
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
- default alias. Default password android
. Then he should ask for a password. Make sure all the above arguments are correct, otherwise it will generate a different hash
Paste this keyboard into the settings tab of the facebook developer console of your application.
If even after doing this you get the same message, make sure the key shown in the error message is the same as the one generated by keytool
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Just replace the happy error code with your app key. ie .. at application ...!
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