Can't send variable to partial use Cocoon (Rails 3)

I am using Rails 3 with a standard rail shape and a Cocoon gem. I want to send a variable to a partial via link_to_add_association using the "render_options" provided by gem, but I cannot get it to work. The view from partial rendering ok and coocon works fine (can add and remove items) except for the variable. Trying to print a variable in the view says it is undefined. This is my code:

_form.html.erb (this is the partial name from new.html.erb)

<%= link_to_add_association raw('Nuevo con empleado existente'), f, parte_diario_item_indirectos, :render_options => {:locals => {:foo => 'bar'}}%>



<%= foo %>


Doing something like this results in an "undefined 'foo" error.

I've also tried:

<%= locals[:foo] %>


with the same result. Using parentheses / curly braces around "render_options" didn't work either.


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1 answer

I had a very similar problem until I figured out what is render

also being called in the block fields_for

right above my calllink_to_add_association

Here's an example that Cocoon suggests, with my locals added to link_to_add_association


= simple_form_for @project do |f|
  = f.input :name
  = f.input :description
  %h3 Tasks
    = f.simple_fields_for :tasks do |task|
      = render 'task_fields', :f => task
      = link_to_add_association 'add task', f, :tasks, :render_options => { :locals => { :foo => 'bar'} }
  = f.submit


I didn't go through locales to the first call render

, so the actual undefined error was from wrong render

, not fromlink_to_add_association



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