{{#link-to 'home'}}Home{{/link-t...">

How to add a class to ember js

    <script type="text/x-handlebars">
        <div class="wrapper">

        <div class="sideMenu">

        {{#link-to 'home'}}Home{{/link-to}}
        {{#link-to 'posts'}}Posts{{/link-to}}

        <div class="content">





I am new to ember js. How to add a class to the "content" class every time the view changes.


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3 answers

We do something like this:

  activate: function() {
    var cssClass = this.toCssClass();
    // you probably don't need the application class
    // to be added to the body
    if (cssClass !== 'application') {
  deactivate: function() {
  toCssClass: function() {
    return this.routeName.replace(/\./g, '-').dasherize();


It will add a class to the body (in your case, just use content), the same as the current route.



Just bind the property currentPath

to your application controller to the class of the element in the template:

<div {{bind-attr class=":content currentPath"}}>


If you are not familiar with the syntax {{bind-attr class=

in Ember / Handlebars:

  • a class name preceded by a colon ( :content

    ) is always appended to the element
  • properties such as currentPath

    cause the current value of that property to be inserted as a class and dynamically updated

To be able to access currentPath

in a template controlled by a controller other than the application controller, first add

needs: ['application']


which makes the application controller available under the name controllers.application

for use in the bind-attr

following way:

<div {{bind-attr class=":content controllers.application.currentPath"}}>


You can use currentRouteName

instead of or in addition to currentPath

if that's better for you.

The added class name will be dashed for example uploads.index

. You can reference this in your CSS avoiding the dot as in

.uploads\.index { }


Or, if you prefer to use dasherized, add a property to give the path to dasherized, for example

dasherizedCurrentPath: function() {
    return this.('currentPath').replace(/\./g, '-');

<div {{bind-attr class=":content dasherizedCurrentPath"}}>


This has been tested in recent versions of ember-cli.



@torazaburo had some great comments regarding @ Asgaroth's answer (accepted), but I liked the idea of โ€‹โ€‹not writing the same functionality over and over again. So what I provide below is a hybrid of the two solutions plus my own two cents, and I believe it addresses @torazaburo's concerns regarding the accepted answer.

Let's start at the second point:

I also don't like the idea of โ€‹โ€‹Ember.Route pollution

Can you contaminate Ember.Route

without contaminants Ember.Route

? (Yes?) Absolutely! :) Instead of overwriting activate

, we can write our own function and tell it to run. .on(activate)

This way our logic runs, but we don't mess around with the built-in / inherited hook activate


The accepted answer is very procedural, imperative, jQuery-ish and un-Ember-like.

I have to agree with that too. In the accepted answer, we are ditching the Ember data binding approach and are reverting to jQuery instead. Not only that, we need to have more code in deactivate

order to "clean up the clutter".

So here's my approach:

  setContentClass: function(){    
    this.controllerFor('application').set("path", this.routeName.dasherize());


We add our own method to the class Ember.Route

without overwriting activate

. This whole method does the property setting path

on the controller application


Then, inside the template, application

we can bind to this property:

    <div {{bind-attr class=":content path"}}>


Working solution here



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