How do I access a map keyword using reflection?

I have a null key card:

mapp := map[interface{}]interface{}{
    nil: "a",


Accessing it nil key directly works:

fmt.Println("key[nil]:", mapp[nil])


But with reflection this is not the case - how to do it?

rmapp := reflect.ValueOf(mapp)
rkey := reflect.ValueOf(interface{}(nil))
rval := rmapp.MapIndex(rmapp.MapIndex(rkey))
fmt.Println("key[nil]:", rval)


The broken code is here:


source to share

2 answers

The missing element appears to have been a null value of the map key type, which is required to access the nil key on the map.



playground example



Here's one way to create a value reflect.Value

for a nil

type interface{}


rkey := reflect.ValueOf(new(interface{})).Elem()


playground example



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