R - setting the equiprobability for a certain variable when sampling

I have a dataset with over 2 million records that I am loading into a dataframe.

I am trying to grab a subset of the data. I need about 10,000 records, but I need records to be selected with equal probability for one variable.

This is how my data looks like with str(data)


'data.frame':   2685628 obs. of  3 variables:
$ category   : num  3289 3289 3289 3289 3289 ...
$ id: num  8064180 8990447 747922 9725245 9833082 ...
$ text    : chr  "text1" "text2" "text3" "text4" ...


You noticed that I have 3 variables: category, id and text.

I've tried the following:

> sample_data <- data[sample(nrow(data),10000,replace=FALSE),]


Of course it works, but the probability of the sample, if not equal. Here's the output count(sample_data$category)


      x freq
1  3289  707
2  3401  341
3  3482  160
4  3502  243
5  3601 1513
6  3783  716
7  4029  423
8  4166   21
9  4178  894
10 4785   31
11 5108  121
12 5245 2178
13 5637  387
14 5946 1484
15 5977  117
16 6139  664


Update: Here is the result count(data$category)


  x   freq
1  3289 198142
2  3401  97864
3  3482  38172
4  3502  59386
5  3601 391800
6  3783 201409
7  4029 111075
8  4166   6749
9  4178 239978
10 4785   6473
11 5108  32083
12 5245 590060
13 5637  98785
14 5946 401625
15 5977  28769
16 6139 183258


But when I try to set the probability, I get the following error:

> catCount <- length(unique(data$category))
> probabilities <- rep(c(1/catCount),catCount)
> train_set <- data[sample(nrow(data),10000,prob=probabilities),]
Error in sample.int(x, size, replace, prob) : 
incorrect number of probabilities


I understand that the sampling function randomly selects the line number, but I cannot figure out how to relate this to the probability by category.

Question: How can I sample my data with equal probability for a category variable?

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

I think you could do it with a simple simple R operation, although you have to remember that you are using the probabilities here within limits sample

, so getting the exact sum for each combination will not work using this method, although you can get close enough for enough large sample.

Here's a sample data

data <- data.frame(category = sample(rep(letters[1:10], seq(1000, 10000, by = 1000)), 55000))



probs <- 1/prop.table(table(data$category)) # Calculating relative probabilities
data$probs <- probs[match(data$category, names(probs))] # Matching them to the correct rows
train_set <- data[sample(nrow(data), 1000, prob = data$probs), ] # Sampling
table(train_set$category) # Checking frequencies
#  a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j 
# 94 103  96 107 105  99 100  96 107  93 


Edit: So, a possible equivalentdata.table

setDT(data)[, probs := .N, category][, probs := .N/probs]
train_set <- data[sample(.N, 1000, prob = probs)]


Edit # 2: Here's a very good solution using the package dplyr

provided by @Khashaa and @docendodiscimus

The best part about this solution is that it returns the exact sample size in each group

train_set <- data %>% 
             group_by(category) %>% 


Edit # 3: It seems that the data.table

equivalent dplyr::sample_n

would be

train_set <- setDT(data)[data[, sample(.I, 1000), category]$V1]


which will also return the exact sample size in each group



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