Ng-if - check for null value

I have a loop that goes through a dataset and determines the folder setting for the href. I have an ng-if for each of the parameters, but I need to add a check to one of the ng-ifs. I need a way to check if the value is null. I used something like:



The problem is that if the value in my database is not null but doesn't matter, it won't recognize the difference. I need a way to specifically check for null and not have a value.

Basically, I need a way to determine between the null value in my database and the text / space using ng-if.


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2 answers

You need to use the operator strict equality : shortcut.SAM3Link === null


ng-if="shortcut.SAM3Link === null" 




ng-if - check the null value of an array

  • ng-if="shortcut.SAM3Link === null"

  • ng-if="shortcut.SAM3Link.length === 0"



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